Melatonin Calms Anxiety in Dogs

Melatonin Implants: What are the Benefits for Your Dog’s Mental and Physical Health?

Dog owners are finding that melatonin calms anxiety and may suppress seizures in dogs.  It also effectively and efficiently supports their dog’s regrowth of a healthy coat following seasonal shedding.

Reducing anxiety

Melatonin appears to have sedative properties that have proven successful in reducing the anxiety levels of dogs with separation anxiety. It can calm them down without the negative side-effects of harsher prescription medications.

Fear of loud noises

Lawnmowers, fireworks, sirens, vacuum cleaners, and thunderstorms are a few examples of loud noises that terrify some dogs. Melatonin seems to help settle these dogs without the negative side-effects of other calming medications.


Some dog owners have begun treating their epileptic dogs with melatonin and have reported a reduction in their animal’s frequency of seizures.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease involves a tumor either on the pituitary glands or the adrenal glands, which can produce excessively high cortisol levels (a stress hormone). Melatonin inhibits the absorption of excess cortisol and is much easier on a dog’s system than most prescription medications.

Why melatonin implants?

There are circumstances when your dog needs a time-released dosage of melatonin. In these situations, a dog owner or animal health professional can administer the implant by injecting it directly underneath the dog’s skin. It can then release a precise, measured melatonin dosage over a specific period. Thus, eliminating daily administration and minimizes the risks of missed doses.

Hair Loss in Dogs

Dog owners also use melatonin implants to treat Seasonal Alopecia, and many observe positive results in helping their dogs regrow their coats during the shedding cycle. When you consider the rare instances of melatonin side-effects and the anecdotal testimonies of so many dog owners, it’s probably worth your consideration!

Contact us today

If you’re interested in the benefits of melatonin, we invite you to contact us at MELAWIN Melatonin Implants. We’re a reliable source for a quality product. Your dog deserves nothing less.

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